What is the price of an LED neon sign?
Blog about outdoor advertising

What is the price of an LED neon sign?

Let's talk about pricing. What is the final cost of an LED sign? What fees does it involve? For illustration, we chose one of our recent custom-made signs: keys with the letters "WASD" measuring 600x400 mm.

Disclaimer: the proportion of segments can change significantly in one direction or another depending on the size, number of elements, complication, or simplification.

  • Materials: plexiglass, LED strip, power supply unit, components (dimmer, fasteners), consumables (cable, glue, solder, heat shrink, connectors), packaging (cardboard, bubble wrap, tape, zip bags, brochure).
  • Work: preparation of a technical model, milling and engraving, assembly and soldering, packing and assembly.
  • Transportation costs and postal services: delivery of materials, shipment of finished products.
  • Added value. These are expenses above the cost price, although some of them cannot be done without: the salaries of office workers (technical designer, manager, accountant), rent and maintenance of the workshop and office, utility costs (electricity, heating, water supply, garbage removal), advertising and services ( payment of hosting and domain, software), bank commissions, taxes, risks and guarantee.

It is worth noting that many of our employees perform several functions simultaneously and can also replace each other.

How the price of neon signs is calculated